Is the blackhead remover useful?

I believe that the problem of blackheads has always concerned the hearts of many people. I always feel that the nose is a little grainy. No matter how I remove the blackheads, I can’t get rid of them. The pores are getting bigger and bigger? I have tried many ways to remove blackheads, but none of them work, so how should we get rid of blackheads?


What are blackheads
To put it simply, a blackhead is a mixture of dust, oil, and dander in the air. Because everyone’s pores secrete sebum, but due to various stimuli, the sebum will be blocked in the pores, and the long-term accumulation will form a blockage. When this blockage is exposed to the air, it will gradually turn black and harden through air oxidation, becoming a "blackhead".

Causes of Blackheads
In addition to the usual cosmetic residues or exposure to dust in the air, staying up late for a long time, eating spicy and spicy food, etc. will cause endocrine disorders and lead to excessive sebum secretion to form blackheads.

How to control the generation of blackheads
First of all, we must control our reasonable work and rest. If we stay up late and have irregular work and rest, it may lead to uneven oil secretion and blockage of blackheads. In addition, it can do a good job of removing makeup and cleaning the face, so that the skin of the face can be kept clean and dry.
When blackheads have already formed, it is best to avoid using wrong methods such as nose strips and acne needles to prevent pores from becoming larger. You can choose to use a milder blackhead removal instrument such as a blackhead instrument to remove blackheads more efficiently.


This blackhead remover has four crystal suction heads of different sizes and functions, and you can choose the crystal suction head according to your own situation. It uses vacuum bomb technology, through the power of vacuum negative pressure, while absorbing the blackheads and dirt in the pores, it can also lift the skin, help shrink pores, and reduce fine lines, which is better The way to remove blackheads. It has four crystal suction heads with different sizes and functions, and you can choose the crystal suction head according to your own situation.

Post time: Feb-24-2023